All posts by: Tehane Gallimore

In this article Short-term rentals have had a serious run over the past two years. As soon as interest rates dropped, everyone decided that buying a vacation rental or second home was the best move to make. This led to a...
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In this article The cost of raising a child is constantly changing. Every year, a new article comes out claiming that the cost of raising a child is hundreds of thousands of dollars. But is this figure accurate? Could kids actually...
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In this article You’ve got home equity, but maybe not cash flow. If you want to realize financial freedom, you’ll need consistent, passive monthly income. But with cash flow harder to find than ever before, how can you get it when...
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In this article “Far more money has been lost by investors trying to anticipate corrections than lost in the corrections themselves.” – Peter Lynch  I’ll be honest. I went back and forth about writing this article because I didn’t know how it may...
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In this article Medium-term rentals (MTRs) are at the forefront of investing lately. Naturally, you may have a lot of questions. As the co-author of BiggerPockets’ latest book on the subject: 30-Day Stay: The Real Estate Investor’s Guide to Mastering the Medium-Term...
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In this article Section 8 investing isn’t as scary as it seems. Most landlords will opt to not rent to section 8 tenants, fearing non-payment or just getting stuck with a bad renter. But, this means that the tens of thousands...
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In this article Inflation may have just peaked. And with it, mortgage rates could come crashing down sooner than economists expect. But what would cause a scenario like this, especially as the Federal Reserve continues to bombard Americans with higher and...
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In this article Tech stocks were slam dunk investments for the past decade. No matter what you invested in—Google, Facebook, Amazon, or even some obscure AI toaster company—you probably made decent returns. But, after years of continuous economic growth and massive...
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In this article Financial freedom isn’t something that most Americans strive towards. For the most part, working at a job, getting a steady paycheck, and bringing home the bacon is enough. That is until something forcibly stops you from working. It...
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In this article This Black Friday, BiggerPockets is offering a steep discount on all books in our bookstore! Pick up some of the best books in real estate, business, and investing this holiday for you, your family, and your friends! Don’t know which...
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