All posts by: Tehane Gallimore

In this article Are you interested in deferring your taxes when you transition between investment properties but don’t want to roll all of your cash proceeds forward into your replacement property? Don’t be put off by the cash reinvestment requirement of...
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In this article Is the 1% rule in real estate still relevant? Who shouldn’t be buying turnkey rentals? And why is an escrow account favorable for scaling real estate investors? All these questions and more are coming up in this Rookie...
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It's easy to get so wrapped up in leaf peeping and other outdoorsy fun that you cut back on pre-winter home maintenance. But doing basic tasks now could lead to an easier winter and a greener spring — no matter...
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In this article US housing markets have started to shift. The massive run-up in home prices eventually led us to high interest rates, high inflation, and a generation of renters who can’t afford to buy, even with price cuts. This should...
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In this article Unless you’re a money nerd, knowing how to start investing from scratch isn’t as easy as it seems. With so many options out there and the economy faltering, how do beginners avoid getting burnt? Is something like real...
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With all the headlines and talk in the media about the shift in the housing market, you might be thinking this is a housing bubble. It’s only natural for those thoughts to creep in that make you think it could...
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Since the 2008 housing bubble burst, the word recession strikes a stronger emotional chord than it ever did before. And while there’s some debate around whether we’re officially in a recession right now, the good news is experts say a...
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You can make your garage look a lot better by updating just the floors. Yes, garages deserve love, too. And new garage flooring is a relatively simple improvement that can make a big difference in how the space looks and...
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An egress window looks like a regular window but opens fully to allow a person to escape a building in an emergency -- for example, a house fire. In fact, these windows are essentially escape hatches. Most local building codes...
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If you have pets or kids or are generally accident-prone, you may need some heavy-duty floors. And you may be exploring laminate flooring, thanks to its durability. Laminate flooring balances that resistance to wear and tear with an attractive style...
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