All posts by: Tehane Gallimore

Brutalist architecture has come a long way since its original peak back in the late 1950s to 60s. Back then, institutional buildings and social housing projects projected a cold and......
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Our first venture into short-term rentals (AirBnB)… This property was our first venture into the short-term rental (AirBnB) world. We were looking for a property in Beech Mountain, NC. We......
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Are you looking for outdoor furniture that presents a flexible approach to comfort? A daybed is a fantastic multipurpose option that lets you relax the way you want to relax.......
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The calm before the storm…these are some before and after pictures for phase II for the Davidson house. Reno starts tomorrow. We have already completed the opening up of the......
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More updates on the porch project for the Davidson Colonial House remodel…demo is done…the old screen had a bunch of holes in it. We even had a bird nest from......
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Our little Tree House at the “Beech” just got a Traveller Review Award 2020 from for outstanding guest reviews. We also got awarded with SuperHost status again for the......
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Wayfinder Homes has a new super power…our very own Realtor (Tehane) with Sellstate Premier! Now we are able to broker our own investment property transactions and make a great deal......
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Crazy the amount of demo that can be done in a few hours. Walls knocked out, flooring removed, and all cabinets and counters taken out. Day 1 of demolition in......
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Some new house renovation update photos. Three walls knocked out, hardwood floors and cabinets going in. Vapor barrier installed and roof repairs complete. Still about 2-3 weeks to overall completion....
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Kitchen is starting to shape up at the new Davidson house cabinets are in and pendant lights waiting for wall paint, cabinet hardware, microwave, faucet, backsplash, range hood, and counters......
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