All posts by: Tehane Gallimore

Donec vehicula erat ac semper feugiat. Nam ut justo et neque aliquet tempor at quis ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed id......
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Donec vehicula erat ac semper feugiat. Nam ut justo et neque aliquet tempor at quis ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed id......
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Selling, a famous salesman once said, is essentially a transfer of feelings. You love and cherish your home. You want the next owner to fall in love with it, too — through photos, through words, and through the experience of walking...
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Consider this infographic your bird's eye view of the home selling process. You know -- a level set. Then check out our guide to the whooooole process. Image: HouseLogic The home selling process can seem like a Herculean job. But your agent...
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A new year, a new opportunity to make your kitchen swoon-worthy. Whether your most-used room is in need of a total refresh or a few simple tweaks, make this year, the year that you fall in love with your kitchen...
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What's the point of a Pinterest-perfect kitchen if it doesn't stay that way? Kitchen surfaces, especially countertops, need to be able to take hit after hit. And these nine will. And look gorgeous doing it. #1 Laminate for Countertops Don't worry. Laminate won't make your kitchen...
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You love, love, love cooking in your very own kitchen. It's the kitchen of your dreams, where you can crank up the tunes while trying out that teriyaki recipe you saw in a "Tasty" video. And it's tons more fun if...
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Location is everything when you’re searching for a home. Finding your dream neighborhood may seem like the easiest part, but once you factor in budget, non-negotiable home features, and proximity to the things you can’t live without, it may be...
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When you embark on the home-buying process, your heart is filled with all the dreams in the world. It’s really easy to get caught up in the “I have to have ___________,  so I’ll cut back somewhere else” game, even...
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The braggable joys of a primo location. The convenience of being able to walk to get your soy latte or see that indie film from the Czech Republic. The frustration of multiple bids. The cost. Buying in the city comes with...
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