All posts by: Tehane Gallimore

In this article Cryptocurrency is dead in the mind of most investors. What started as an awe-inspiring investment reaching massive multiples in just months, quickly became a subject of contention within the investing community. Some more traditional investors called cryptocurrency an...
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In this article The rapid price boom many housing markets experienced during the pandemic is slowing down, and many economists expect a housing market correction. The good news is that the housing market isn’t expected to crash. The bad news is that the...
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In this article Search “how to make passive income” online, and there’s a good chance you’ll see “real estate investing” on every list. Why? Real estate investing is one of the most time-tested, stable, and repeatable ways for the everyday American...
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In this article Buying your first rental property doesn’t need to be complicated. With some simple steps, you can go from onlooker to real estate investor, collecting passive cash flow every month! But you’ll never get going if you don’t know...
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In this article The housing market is a living, breathing organism, constantly moving, with each real estate market playing by its own rules. Thanks to the individuality of the American housing market, homebuyers had the flexibility to choose where they wanted...
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In this article Private equity is a term often left undefined. Ask most people if they’ve heard of private equity, and they’ll say yes. But ask them to explain what it is or how it works, and most Americans will struggle...
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In this article What’s your real estate retirement plan? How should you fund your rentals? And why is today’s housing market so hard to cash flow? These are just some of the questions that regular real estate investors ask themselves. In...
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In this article Tenant not paying rent? Debating whether a year-long, six-month, or month-to-month lease is best? Don’t know how to estimate rent for a new unit? On this week’s Rookie Reply, we’re tackling some of the most troublesome yet common...
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In this article On January 12, new Consumer Price Index (CPI) data was released for December, showing falling inflation rates across the board. The headline CPI, the broadest measure of inflation in the U.S., dropped to 6.5% year-over-year (YoY), down from 7.1% a...
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In this article Picking stocks can be intimidating for a first-time investor in the stock market. For landlords, real estate can seem like a much more tangible, calculated way to make money with less risk and far more upside. But, with...
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