Posts filed under: Commercial Real Estate Investing

Commercial Real Estate Investing

Where Will the Commercial Real Estate Market Go In 2024? A Look at Each Sector

In this article Pandemic and post-pandemic behaviors had a pronounced impact on commercial real estate, and that’s set up 2024 to be a year of normalization. Back in April, Morgan Stanley predicted a severe commercial real estate crash. But while the office sector has taken... Read More

Commercial Properties in These Cities Are at the Highest Risk of Crashing

In this article It’s no secret that the commercial real estate sector is struggling. Since the pandemic forced millions into remote work arrangements a few years ago, offices never quite recovered.  In fact, the vacancy rate for the third quarter topped 19%, and by year’s end, Moody’s... Read More

Here’s How We Pulled off a Surprising Multifamily Deal Using Preferred Equity

In this article The multifamily investing realm is in a tailspin.  Syndicators are scrambling to keep up with interest rates. Investors aren’t sure whether to wait for train-wreck deals or if we will even see those opportunities.  But deals are getting done in this... Read More

A Deep Dive Into the Nitty-Gritty Details of Preferred Equity

In this article Have you been following our discussions on preferred equity? This has produced some questions on deal structure, terminology, and a desire to see some examples. I’ve discussed the case for preferred equity and why there’s a limited time window here.... Read More