Posts filed under: Economics


Are We Experiencing “Transitory Mortgage Rates”? What Does That Mean For Rates?

In this article In March 2021, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said, “[T]hese one-time increases in prices are likely to have only transient effects on inflation.” From then on, “transitory inflation” became the phrase of the year in economics, with high... Read More

Fannie Mae Expects Home Prices to Crash? Here’s What the Latest Forecast Says

In this article Fannie Mae is predicting a recession in 2024 in its latest Economic Developments report. As a result, home sales are expected to bottom out next year before ultimately improving in 2025. A 2024 recession has been repeatedly predicted by think... Read More

The Fed Is Trying Its Best To Lower Expectations in 2024 as Pundits Call for Rate Cuts

In this article The year’s final Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting concluded with no changes to the federal funds rate. This is now the third consecutive meeting that the Fed has held rates steady as they continue to hope that the... Read More

GDI is Showing a Weak Economy—Are We Measuring Things Right?

In this article There have been a lot of interesting threads in the economic space lately. The biggest stories have surrounded attempts to predict what the Federal Reserve will do in 2024.  From what I can tell, many economists and investors are... Read More

The Fed Will Cut Rates Six Times in 2024 Says Top Firm—What Will This Mean For Housing?

In this article ING Economics, a top financial and economic analysis think tank, released a report last week that boldly predicted that federal interest rates will likely be cut six times in 2024. ‘’We are currently forecasting 150bp of rate cuts... Read More

This Economist Says The Fed is Misreading Inflation—Here’s When Rates Might Fall

In this article Over the last couple of years, many economists and investors have criticized the Federal Reserve for failing to tackle inflation earlier. In March 2020, the federal funds rate was slashed to nearly 0% in response to COVID-19. By March... Read More

Mortgage Rates Fell Last Week as a Recession Looms—Have We Turned a Corner?

In this article Mortgage interest rates fell sharply in the first week of November following the Federal Reserve’s November meeting and its decision not to raise key rates any further. After breaking the 8% threshold in October, mortgage rates have been falling... Read More

Wells Fargo Warns of a 1980s-Style Recession—How Bad Could It Get?

In this article Wells Fargo is now the second major bank to draw parallels between today’s housing market and the one seen in the early ‘80s. Back then, mortgage rates were near 19%, and the market had slipped into a recession.... Read More

The Federal Reserve Does Not Control Money (In the Way You Think It Does)

In this article If you’re directly involved in real estate (and most of us here are), you’ve probably spent the last several months agonizing over interest rates. It’s possible that you’ve been taking some time away from investing.   Maybe take some extra... Read More