Posts filed under: First-Time Home Buyer

First-Time Home Buyer

7 Benefits of Buying a Home

Interest rates sure do get a lot of attention. But they shouldn’t be the only part of your home buying decision-making process. After all, the answer to the question is right now a good time to buy a house boils... Read More

What is a buyer agent commission rebate?

A buyer’s agent will generally receive a commission paid by the seller when they help a client purchase a home. To put things simply…the buyer’s agent commission rebate is when...... Read More

How to Move Past Student Debt — and Into a Home

You want to buy a house. But you’re worried you won’t qualify for a mortgage because of your student loan debt. You’re not alone. Half of non-homeowners (51%) say student loan debt is delaying them from buying a home, according... Read More

How to Avoid Mortgage Mistakes

Mortgages don’t have to be scary. After all, they’re just business transactions, albeit big ones.   Yet, a survey by mortgage website found that 75% of home loan applicants compared the mortgage loan process to an annual physical or a... Read More

Home Buying and Selling During the Pandemic: What You Need to Know

Technology and good-old-fashioned creativity are helping agents, buyers, and sellers abide by COVID-19 health and safety practices while getting deals done. Some buyers are touring houses virtually. Others visit in person while remaining at least six feet from their agent. Sellers... Read More

5 Relationship-Saving Strategies For Any Couple Buying a House

Before you and your partner start sending each other links to the home of your dreams, have a few conversations about the home buying process. A couple buying a house should talk about money, of course, but also about their expectations... Read More

How to Hire a Real Estate Agent — and Be Their Best Client Ever

When you buy a home, your agent is effectively a business partner. You’re both working toward the same goal: Closing a real estate deal. That’s why it’s in your best interest to to know both how to hire a real... Read More

5 Questions To Ask When Buying A House

Home buying seems simple enough: Find a house you like that’s close to work or school, tell someone you want to buy it, and move in. But there's more to it than that. You’ll have to find and get approved by... Read More

Can I Fire My Real Estate Agent?

You know how to break up with a romantic partner when it’s not working out. “It’s not you, it’s me,” you tell them. Or, “I’m not ready for a long-term commitment.” But how do you break off a professional relationship —... Read More

Acts of Kindness Help Keep People in Their Homes

Jean King no longer has to watch her her step while cooking because of a rotted kitchen floor, soaked through years ago by a water leak from her sink. Nor does she have to leave a window open almost year... Read More