Posts filed under: House Hunting

House Hunting

What is a buyer agent commission rebate?

A buyer’s agent will generally receive a commission paid by the seller when they help a client purchase a home. To put things simply…the buyer’s agent commission rebate is when...... Read More

What to Expect from Virtual House Tours, Staging, and Showings

The COVID pandemic didn't stop people from buying houses. But it did change how buyers viewed homes, with technology sometimes replacing the in-person experience. Agents used virtual home showings, virtual home tours, and virtual staging instead of or along with their in-person... Read More

Home Buying and Selling During the Pandemic: What You Need to Know

Technology and good-old-fashioned creativity are helping agents, buyers, and sellers abide by COVID-19 health and safety practices while getting deals done. Some buyers are touring houses virtually. Others visit in person while remaining at least six feet from their agent. Sellers... Read More

5 Relationship-Saving Strategies For Any Couple Buying a House

Before you and your partner start sending each other links to the home of your dreams, have a few conversations about the home buying process. A couple buying a house should talk about money, of course, but also about their expectations... Read More

When Is the Best Time to Buy a House?

Timing determines so much when you're buying a house. Although the best time to buy a house is when you're ready both financially and emotionally, other factors can help you decide when to buy a house. By timing your purchase just... Read More

8 Eye-Opening Things Home Inspectors Can’t Tell You

A home inspection may feel like a final exam, but it's not quite so clear cut. Your inspector's report won't include a clear-cut  A+ if a house is a keeper or an F if it's a money pit. What is included in a home inspection... Read More

House-Hunting Tips to Avoid #Facepalm Moments

The only thing more exciting than shopping for your first house is the day you move into it. And in your eagerness to get to that day, there are a bunch of opportunities to botch the shopping. Here are some #facepalm moments and... Read More

How to Choose a Neighborhood

Location is everything when you’re searching for a home. Finding your dream neighborhood may seem like the easiest part, but once you factor in budget, non-negotiable home features, and proximity to the things you can’t live without, it may be... Read More

3 Must vs. Lust Buying Tips to Avoid Overspending

When you embark on the home-buying process, your heart is filled with all the dreams in the world. It’s really easy to get caught up in the “I have to have ___________,  so I’ll cut back somewhere else” game, even... Read More

It’s an (Urban) Jungle Out There: How to Buy Smart in the City

The braggable joys of a primo location. The convenience of being able to walk to get your soy latte or see that indie film from the Czech Republic. The frustration of multiple bids. The cost. Buying in the city comes with... Read More