Posts filed under: On the Market Podcast

On the Market Podcast

Banks Cut Credit, Is The Housing Market “Recession” Really OVER?

In this article The housing market “recession” is…over? At least, that’s what some economists think. But it doesn’t feel so stable for the rest of us real estate investors. Home prices are still dropping in some markets, teetering on stability in... Read More

Home Prices May Have Bottomed Says New “Investor Sentiment Survey”

In this article Home prices were supposed to crash…right? Not quite. If you were hoping to snag a steal of a deal on your first home, we’ve got some bad news. But, if you’re a homeowner or investor who was crossing... Read More

The 4 Most Affordable, High Cash Flow Real Estate Markets of 2023

In this article Looking for a high-cash-flow real estate market? Well, you’ll need low home prices to make that happen. With mortgage rates still at multi-decade highs and affordability at forty-year lows, there isn’t much cash flow to around…unless you’re investing... Read More

Why “Lazy” Investors Won’t Make It in 2023’s Housing Market

In this article The housing market has dealt a tough hand to real estate investors as of late. Prices are staying the same, but mortgage rates are rising, rents have peaked, and so-called “easy” investments have been increasingly difficult to manage.... Read More

The Worst Real Estate Investing Advice of 2023

In this article Real estate investing advice is everywhere, especially from people who don’t invest. You’ve seen the financial influencers screaming, “Don’t buy!” or “Wait for the crash!” often while doing a little dance or pointing to some cherry-picked statistics. While... Read More

The Fed’s Next Move and When Rates Will Drop | Ask Meyer Anything

In this article Could mortgage rates fall in 2024? And if so, how low will they go? What happens if home prices rise; could the Fed make things even harder for buyers? And what’s the one thing that could cause sellers... Read More

Why 87% of Agents Won’t Make It In This Market

In this article Real estate agents had it made over the past two years. When mortgage rates were low, buyers lined up to make bids, sellers were ready to upgrade, and properties were flying off the shelves. For almost any agent... Read More

2023 Housing Market Forecast: “Things Are Going to Be Messed Up”

In this article Need housing market predictions? We’ve got them. Unfortunately, they may not be exactly what you want to hear. While most landlords hope and pray that mortgage rates will head down and the housing market will finally open back... Read More

Is Buying a Bad Decision in 2023?

In this article Buying a home might not be the best idea in 2023. You’ll have to go through a few challenges to get one under contract. First, find a homeowner who wants to sell their home; you’ll need to convince... Read More

The Fed Just Got One More Reason to Hike Mortgage Rates

In this article Thought we were done with mortgage rate hikes? Not so fast. The Fed always has time to get mad about something else and push interest rates even higher. This time, a surprise job report makes the Fed furious... Read More