Posts filed under: Personal Finance

Personal Finance

You Don’t Need To Earn a Lot To Be Financially Free—Here’s How You Can Do It on Minimums

In this article I’m not a millionaire (yet), nor am I financially independent (yet). But I still get to spend most of the year living and traveling overseas with my wife and daughter. We live an extremely comfortable lifestyle on around... Read More

The Math To Becoming a Millionaire in 10 Years—And Hacks To Do It in Five

In this article Given enough time for investments to compound, anyone can become a millionaire. No, really. Someone earning minimum wage could invest $187 per month and become a millionaire after 40 years of investing at 10% returns.  Of course, waiting 40... Read More

Unlocking More Freedom With Self-Directed IRAs

In this article This article is presented by uDirect IRA Services. Read our editorial guidelines for more information. Are you ready to take control of your retirement savings and explore the world of alternative asset investments? Self-directed retirement accounts help you step off the beaten... Read More

Set Yourself Up For Success Before Investing—What a Truly Strong Financial Foundation Looks Like

In this article Real estate investments can help you build wealth, passive income streams, and tax savings. But that doesn’t mean the average person is financially ready to be a landlord or flip houses.  Between a down payment, closing costs, initial repairs, and... Read More

Real Estate vs. Stocks: Which Is Best for Investors in 2023?

In this article No two people have the same investment strategy. For some, investing in real estate makes sense and excites them, while others prefer the more laid-back approach of investing in the stock market. How do you decide which is... Read More

The Hard Truth: True Financial Freedom Will Force You to Make Suboptimal (and Maybe Unpopular) Portfolio Decisions

In this article I believe that in order to actually quit your job and retire early, you will need to make some radical, suboptimal, and tax-inefficient decisions regarding your portfolio. Please bear with me, as I am still working through this theory... Read More

Is Real Estate a Good Investment?

In this article When building wealth, there is no shortage of investment opportunities. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, precious metals, and more all play a role. However, many of the world’s great fortunes are based on real estate investing. Let’s examine... Read More

How to Calculate Rental Income For Child Support

In this article So, the day has come to finally figure out how much your rental property income will affect your child support payment. You won’t be surprised that many states consider that pretty penny a critical component when calculating these... Read More

How To Calculate Debt-To-Income Ratio

In this article A sound understanding of how to calculate debt-to-income ratio is critical to your overall financial health. Rather than guess and hope for the best, this blog post breaks down everything you need to know about the debt-to-income ratio.  What... Read More