Posts filed under: Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Who’s Keeping the Housing Market Moving? Baby Boomers—And They’re Moving Far Away Too

In this article It’s no secret that home prices have skyrocketed in recent years. A lack of housing supply relative to demand, coupled with a rise in inflation and interest rates, has kept the median home sale price much higher than before the... Read More

Zillow’s Quarterly Survey Finds Homeowners Are Twice as Likely to Sell With Interest Rates Above 5%

In this article It’s common knowledge that there’s been a shortage of homes for sale for some time. Part of it is due to chronic underbuilding in the days since the housing crash, but lately, higher mortgage rates, which now hover... Read More

“The Housing Recession is Over” Says NAR—Is It?

In this article Home prices have increased steadily month-over-month since February. In fact, home prices went up a whopping 4% between February and May alone, according to the CoreLogic S&P Case-Shiller Index released in July. And while today’s prices are still slightly below... Read More

Institutional Investors are Buying Up Affordable Housing in Droves—Are They on to Something?

In this article This article is presented by GSP REI. Read our editorial guidelines for more information. Large investors expanding their affordable housing portfolios has recently become a notable trend in the real estate market. Nuveen, the investment management division of the Teachers Insurance and... Read More

New Bill in Congress Seeks to End Depreciation Benefit for Some Investors—What Does This Mean for You?

In this article Earlier this month, Democratic lawmakers introduced a new bill designed to disincentivize investors from buying up single-family homes. The bill, known as the Stop Predatory Investing Act, would eliminate interest and depreciation deductions for investors who acquire 50 or more new... Read More

Morningstar Says Housing Affordability Will Rebound by 2025—Is That Possible?

In this article In a recent economic outlook by Morningstar, the housing market affordability is currently mimicking the peak of the housing bubble in 2006. This similarity is due to a combination of mortgage rate hikes, rising home prices, and income levels.  In... Read More

Surprising Migration Trends Show That Movers are Going to These Markets

In this article Remote work, rapidly rising rents in some cities, and a desire for more amenities are all factors driving Americans to relocate—but the areas drawing the most new renters are shifting, according to the new migration report for the first... Read More

Is the Airbnb Collapse Actually Happening? Here’s What We Know

In this article There’s no doubt that occupancy rates are declining for Airbnb properties amid a supply increase, but whether we’re entering an Airbnb apocalypse or just seeing a heated market moderate depends on who you ask. Nick Gerli, CEO of Reventure Consulting,... Read More

Do You Have Cash? You Might Need It For Your Next Deal. Here’s Why

In this article Buying a home hasn’t been easy for the past few years. Besides increasing interest rates, a decrease in purchasing power, and a housing shortage, cash buyers have also put a squeeze on some would-be buyers.   Nearly a third of... Read More

This Key Banking Figure Just Gave a Dire Warning—What Should You Be Preparing For?

In this article The leader of the bank for central banks—the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)—is sounding the alarm.  Just this week, BIS general manager Agustín Carstens told reporters that “The global economy is at a critical juncture.” And according to the... Read More