Posts filed under: Wealth Management

Wealth Management

Every Strategy I Used To Build My Portfolio for Financial Independence

In this article You may not be familiar with modern portfolio theory, but you probably know its core tenet: Investors should diversify among uncorrelated assets to maximize returns while minimizing risk.  Soren Godbersen at EquityMultiple makes a strong case that if you... Read More

Your Car Is the Number One Thing Preventing You From Making Your First Deal

In this article You’ve been listening to all the BiggerPockets podcasts, reading the blogs, interacting on the forums, and going to all the meetups. Every day, you’re analyzing deals from the MLS and from wholesalers that you’ve met. You’re networking, learning, and doing... Read More

Four Investors Shared Their 2024 Goals With Us—Here’s How They Plan to Start the Year Strong

In this article The turn of the calendar always has us thinking about what we want to do differently—or more of—next year. Sure, you’ll want to make lofty New Year’s resolutions for 2024, but goal-making is in order, too.   We talked to four... Read More

The Best Way to Earn a 243% Return is By Not Timing the Market

In this article If you’ve spent any time researching investing in real estate (or stocks), you have probably heard people throw around the phrase: “Time in the market is better than timing the market.” The old saying originated from Ken Fisher, a... Read More

The World is Changing—Is It Time to Start Rethinking Your Retirement?

In this article This article is presented by uDirect IRA Services. Read our editorial guidelines for more information. In today’s world, the landscape of retirement planning is shifting beneath our feet. The challenges of an aging population, an uncertain future for Social Security, and... Read More

3 Strategies You Must Master to Win Big In a Potential 2024 Recession

In this article This article is presented by Easy Street Capital. Read our editorial guidelines for more information. A potential recession is on the horizon for America and the world at large. There are two lenses through which you can examine the situation: You can fear... Read More

Is It Possible to Dollar-Cost Average Real Estate Just Like Stocks?

In this article Smart, informed people face a unique risk in their investments: getting too “clever” for their own good.  All too often, they succumb to the temptation of trying to time the market, pick individual stocks, or ride the wave of... Read More